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The Classic Signature Series chess board 2.5″ Square Maple Wood & Padauk wood

Product Specifications:

Square Size :  2.5” Inches/ 6.25 CM

Chess Board : 25”  Inches/ 62.5C M


Light Wood :  Maple Wood.

Dark Wood :  Padauk Wood.

Lodhi Sports is proud to introduce you “The Classic Signature Series” solid wood chess board in Maple & Padauk woodOriginally designed by the chess maestro of Lodhi Sports with owned Legacy of finest craftsmanship and experience of almost 60 years in chess Industry, which has lead us to the constant perfection for producing the classical designs and best quality chess equipments.

The Signature Series solid wood chess board is manufactured with the aim to provide the luxury and magnificent quality of workmanship. This is absolutely a new developed handmade luxury wood chess board with the high standard of craftsmanship. The Signature series chess board design is one of the unique and rare luxury chess board.

The selection of the wood for these luxury chess boards is done with the special care to get the best natural grains. Our master craftsmen are dedicated to their work for creating the constant and finest work on every single piece very carefully. The most experience master craftsmen of our factory with a great knowledge of hand craftsmanship and long learning period has given the opportunity to design richest art of workmanship. The Classic Signature series is manufactured with excellence of hand craftsmanship and it is designed to own the world’s best collection of lifetime.

The Classic Signature Series Chess Boards are hand crafted by our skilled master craftsmen and crafted out of highest grade exotic woods with the luxurious billiard cloth on the bottom. The elegance of workmanship on every single chess board is flawless which makes the level of chess board so high and we are introducing this unique handmade luxury wood chess board with the highest standard of workmanship with the natural Glossy & Matt finish for rich and long lasting shine.

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