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REF 1408 Jaques Chess Board Circa 1860-1880 Reproduction Golden Grain Sheesho & Ebony

Product Specifications:

Square Size :  2.25” Inches/ 5.625 CM

Chess Board : 21”   Inches/  52.5 CM


Light Wood :  Golden Grain Sheesho.

Dark Wood :   Ebony Wood.

Recommended Chess Pieces for 1860-1880 Jaques Chess Board—- 4” and 4.4” King.

Please note our all products are hand crafted and there are few chances of variation for 5 % plus or minus.

Lodhi Sports is proud to offer you the reproduction of one of the very popular design by Jaques of London REF1408 Circa 1860-1880 Series Chess Board. The timeless Jaques chess Board is crafted by our senior and most skilled craftsman under the original dimensions & design. The immensely rich workmanship of significant chess board is amazingly done.

Lodhi Sports is the only authorized by Jaques to reproduce their chess sets. The healthy relation between both reputed companies Jaques of London & Lodhi Sports is based on trust & loyalty since decades, and commitment to provide the world’s finest & best quality chess products to chess lovers globally.

The reproduction of these heirloom chess boards are not easy to achieve until reach to exact dimensions and craftsmanship with accuracy and we have always put our all efforts to maintain quality and the high standard of workmanship on antique chess set respectfully.

The meticulously workmanship on the chess board design  with complete details on double mitered corner and solid Golden Grain sheesho and Ebony wood squares underside. The selection of the wood for these luxury chess boards is done with the special care to get the best natural grains. Our master craftsmen are dedicated to their work for creating the constant and finest work on every single piece very carefully.

The Jaques 1860-1880 Series Chess Boards are hand crafted by our skilled master craftsmen and crafted out of highest grade exotic woods with the luxurious billiard cloth on the bottom. The elegance of workmanship on every single chess board is flawless which makes the level of chess board so high and we are introducing this unique handmade luxury wood chess board with the highest standard of workmanship with the natural Glossy & Matt finish for rich and long lasting shine.

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