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Body Solid Multi Gym G9S (Dual Stack))

Body Solid Body Solid Multi Gym G9S (Dual Stack))

This multi-station workhorse provides health club quality strength training for up to three people simultaneously (with optional GKR9).
The G9 series of gyms features a multi-function Press Arm Station for bench press, incline press, shoulder press and chest supported mid row exercises.
The Perfect Pec™ Station with fully adjustable range of motion allows users to achieve deeper muscle penetration for faster, more defined results.
The Leg Press/ Calf Press Station operates on its own seperate weight stack, with a 2 to 1 weight ratio, giving the G9 Gyms the awesome capacity of a 420 lb leg press
Add the optional Vertical Knee Raise / Dip Station (GKR9) and up to three people can workout simultaneously on the G9S.

Body Solid Body Solid Multi Gym G9S (Dual Stack))

This multi-station workhorse provides health club quality strength training for up to three people simultaneously (with optional GKR9).
The G9 series of gyms features a multi-function Press Arm Station for bench press, incline press, shoulder press and chest supported mid row exercises.
The Perfect Pec™ Station with fully adjustable range of motion allows users to achieve deeper muscle penetration for faster, more defined results.
The Leg Press/ Calf Press Station operates on its own seperate weight stack, with a 2 to 1 weight ratio, giving the G9 Gyms the awesome capacity of a 420 lb leg press
Add the optional Vertical Knee Raise / Dip Station (GKR9) and up to three people can workout simultaneously on the G9S.
Traditional press bar is biomechanically designed for maximum chest concentration and outstanding muscle development.
Leg developer station features the SmoothGlide Bearing System™ with biomechanically accurate pivot point and integrated CAM to prevent resistance drop-off at the end of the exercise movement. This provides consistent resistance throughout full range of motion.
Self-aligning, contoured leg extension cuffs automatically adjust throughout the exercise movement.
Perfect Pec™ station features range of motion adjustment that allows beginning stretch preference.
Telescoping, chrome plated, gas-assist adjustable seat posts for quick, smooth adjustment and proper body positioning.
Two 210 lb. (95kg) selectorized weight stacks.
High-density, top grade DuraFirm™ pads with lumbar support provide ultimate comfort and prevent lower back strain.
2,200 lb. tension strength, military spec, steel aircraft cables with swiveling ends provide durability and low maintenance.
4½” pulleys are impact resistant fiberglass reinforced nylon with precision machined steel ball bearings.
2” x 4”, 11-gauge mainframe construction assures maximum strength, function and durability.
Tough, durable, electrostatically applied powder coat finish.
Includes Leg Press / Calf Press station with 2:1 ratio for maximum resistance of 420 lbs.

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