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GS348QP4 Series 7

Body Solid GS348QP4 Series 7

Our new Series 7 Smith Gym allows you to develop muscle mass beyond your imagination at a rate that will amaze you. You get virtually all the same exercises as you do in a fully equipped gym, but in the convenience of your own home, on your own schedule, without the need for a spotter.

Body Solid GS348QP4 Series 7

Our new Series 7 Smith Gym allows you to develop muscle mass beyond your imagination at a rate that will amaze you. You get virtually all the same exercises as you do in a fully equipped gym, but in the convenience of your own home, on your own schedule, without the need for a spotter.

This is not just another smith machine. The process of developing a cutting edge, state-of-the-art Series 7 Smith Gym System that meets Body-Solid’s meticulous standards of quality that has not been easy. While other companies have rushed to get their smith gyms to market, we’ve taken the time to get it just right. Now, with the Body-Solid Series 7 Smith Gym System, you can trust that you’re getting the best system available.
Our Series 7 Smith Gym System gives you the freedom of movement you need to do your exercises correctly. The Series 7 Smith Gym is based on a 2″”x 3″” commercial quality mainframe and set to a 7 reversed pitch. The 7 angle was designed to allow natural upper and lower body movements for precise chest and gluteal biomechanics. Over 50 exercises are available on our Series 7 Smith Gym System and all of them can be done correctly under your control. Every set, every rep, every movement. That is how you get real results. And there’s only one thing you want from your gym system. Results.
Key Features:
Precise 7 angle Smith Machine combined with 7 angle freeweight barbell workout center designed for natural upper and lower body exercise movements.
Linear ball bearing Smith system with 20 crossmember lock-out points for a safe, solid stop at any point in your workout routine
Freeweight gunrack system with 14 lift-off and racking positions for ultimate versatility, safety and control.
Large diameter Smith Bar responds quickly, is easy to control and weighs only 25 Lbs. It s ideal for amateurs or professionals
Heavy-duty all-4-side welded 11 gauge and 12 gauge 2″”x3″” mainframe steel construction with a safe, solid 4-point stance for maximum stability
Includes incredibly strong, adjustable safeties for both the Smith system and the freeweight barbell workout center
Six Olympic weight plate storage posts safely suspend plates off the floor for easy access
Olympic Bar holder mounted to the frame stores your bar without obstructing any exercise movements
Assembled Dimensions: 84″”H x 78″”L x 70″”W

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