Thrive Powerful Massager 717
This massager combines a vertical motion with an irregular rotary motion which raises massaging effects. Powerful, irregular vibration gives the same effect as your skillful hands do, enabling the unit to do the job with an almost explosive speed. A massage with heat on is more effective for treatment of stiffness and fatigue. The temperature of heating part rises up to 55`C (131`F). Designed for a long use, it can be used with absolute safety, anytime and anywhere. How to use: Decide either Hot or Cool to your desire or symptoms and set the switch. It takes 3 or 4 minutes before the temperature rises upto the maximum temperature of 55`C(131`F). (when you use the massager on condition of Hot, use the unit without any accessory.) You May give a massage to almost any area of the body without external help but have other people give a massage to your back. When you give a massage to the sole of a foot, put a mat on the floor first and lay the massager upside down on the mat. Then , put the sole of foot on the massager.
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