Body Solid GDCC200
Body-Solid Functional Training Center 200
With the GDCC200, life imitates state-of-the-art in a new space-saving design!
Define the motions that are right for you and your individual workout goals with the Body-Solid GDCC200 Functional Training Center. This dual independent weight stack system provides dedicated resistance with true isolateral movements.
Core stability training can lead to improved balance, coordination and stability. By efficiently working your body’s stabilizer muscles though a limitless number of exercises, the GDCC200 Functional Training Center offers strength-building results to users of all sizes.
Unrestricted multiple planes of motion approximate the muscle activity required for many of the activities you do in everyday life. The Body-Solid GDCC200 features ergonomically designed adjustments and interchangeable cable handles engineered to put hundreds of strength-building exercises within your grasp.
With a space-saving footprint, dual independent weight stacks, user-friendly ergonomics and adjustability and precision-fitted components, the GDCC200 Functional Training Center isolates an unbeatable value in today’s advanced fitness market.
From cable crossovers and shoulder presses to pull-ups, leg kickbacks and everything in between, make a motion to improve your core, build your strength and increase your endurance with the Body-Solid GDCC200.
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